As the 49th Kastoria International Fur Fair (KIFF) has now drawn to a close, the President and the Board of Directors of Kastorian Fur Association would like to publicly express their warm thanks to:
- TIF–HELEXPO, the Region of Western Macedonia, the Regional Unit of Kastoria, the Municipality of Kastoria and the Municipality of Voio as co-organizers of the event;
- Enterprise Greece and specifically Mr. Marinos Giannopoulos, Ms. Stella Giannopoulou and Mr. Kleovoulos Bouzos as well as the Offices of Economic and Commercial Affairs (OECA) New York Office and specifically Mr. Nikolaos Thomopoulos and Mr. Dimitrios Tsampras for their help and the excellent organization regarding with the arrival of the American and Canadian business delegations at the 49th They would also like to thank Enterprise Greece for inviting trade visitors from South Korea;
- The event sponsor, SAGA FURS Auction House;
- The communication sponsors, the oladeka.com website, Adversal advertising firm, as well as Next Gen and Micillo Italia ;
- Welcome Stores technical equipment sponsor Sokratis Giannakopoulos;
- The Deputy Mayors, MAKEDNOS S.A., the services and staff of the Municipality of Kastoria and the Municipality of Argos Orestikou, who organized the sanitation services in the area surrounding the International Exhibition Center;
- The Police Departments and the Fire Department of Kastoria;
- The Kastoria and Western Macedonia Regional Units media services for the coverage and promotion of the 49th KIFF;
- The Holy Metropolitan Church of Kastoria and His Grace Metropolitan Kallinikos;
- All those who practically supported the 2024 49th KIFF;
- Political figures, representatives of agencies and services;
Finally, the warmest thanks to the fellow fur producers/exhibitors, who once again showed their trust in the management and the Kastoria International Fur Fair—one of the most important fur exhibition events in the world—with their participation.